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Featured in Smashing Magazine& Web Standards For Skeptics

Article illustration for Smashing Magazine and Web Standards For Skeptics

UPDATE: When I originally posted this article, it was simply about the ‘Web Standards For Skeptics’ presentation, but only a few hours later, my site was featured in an article on Smashing Magazine. This re-write now reflects both features.

Smashing Magazine has just posted an article entitled ‘ 60 Elegant and Visually Appealling Designs’ and elliotjaystocks.com appears in the list (scroll down to number 24). I’m totally honoured to be featured on this list along with so many fantastic sites (which also includes stuffandnonsense and mezzoblue, among others)!

I also had the great honour of being included in Michael Montegomery’s presentation ‘ Web Standards For Skeptics’ at the Refresh Miami meetup on 16th May. Although I wasn’t there, Michael chose to include a screenshot of elliotjaystocks.com in his slides in order to demonstrate that sites conforming to Web Standards aren’t “boxy and ugly”.

Again, the truly flattering thing was to see my site sitting between examples from some of the web’s greatest designers: Jason Santa Maria, Andy Clarke (there he is again!), Kevin Cornell, Shaun Inman, Jesse Bennett-Chamberlain… wow. Thanks Michael!

You can view the presentation slides here, which is handy.

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